Tuesday 11 December 2012

Understanding Your Options In Web Hosting

If your company is planning to launch a website, one of the most important decisions is how the website is hosted. There are several options. They shared hosting, col-location hosting or dedicated hosting. There are advantages and disadvantages of each. Read this article to get an understanding of the difference in order to make the best decision for your company.

In shared hosting, web site files are stored on the same server as other files other businesses. Server resources are shared. Of the three types of accommodation, this is the least expensive. That is because the web hosting company distributes maintenance costs among customers that share these resources. You pay the web host to do all the work for server maintenance.

The disadvantage of shared hosting is that you have no control over the server configuration. If your website requires the server to support a special type of script may not be able to have that function if it causes conflicts server to Web sites that share the server with you. You pretty much have to live with what the web host can offer. Furthermore, because the server resources are shared, the high demand for resources from other websites can affect their own web sites load time.

A shared hosting package might work for you if you have little interest in custom server configuration and if cost is an important factor. This is good for small and medium businesses.

In co-located hosting, you own the server computer that hosts web files, but you rent the space in which the servers are housed. The advantage is that because yours these servers, you can configure and customize in any way that suits your needs. You have your own staff to maintain these servers so you have full control over how they are run.

Having your own staff to maintain these servers can also be seen as a disadvantage. That's because you have to pay extra staff to maintain these servers off-site. That adds to the cost of operations. Visiting the locations of the servers can be inconvenient. If the company moves, the servers have to be moved. In addition, co-location providers are mostly around major city centers, which means that there are no options for smaller cities.

In dedicated hosting, you lease the server machine and space, but your provider can configure it the way you want. The server is for website only, so no resource sharing with other companies. The web hosting company is responsible for maintaining and updating the computer, so that frees your own personal responsibility. However, for some businesses, have physical access to the server can be seen as a disadvantage. If the host is inadequate support, can not get their own people out there to fix the problem.

The choice of accommodation really depends on the needs of your business. No definitive choice that one is better for all circumstances. Just make sure you understand the differences so you can make an informed decision.